About The Author

Geoffrey Dobbins
aka: “The brother from another planet”
Freelance journalist, blogger, etc.

Stylized Photo of Geoffrey Dobbins

Geoffrey Dobbins is a journalist from Cincinnati, Ohio.

After studying engineering for several years, his passion for justice and truth-telling led him to his true calling, journalism. Since that switch, he’s had a lot of exciting opportunities to report with national and local magazines, newspapers and blogs — both in print and online.

Between runs to his local comic book shop, Dobbins has written for The Nation.com , Cincinnati Magazine,TheRoot.com, URB.com, and The Cincinnati Herald.  His areas of expertise include politics, religion and other topics enjoyed by impolite company.

Dobbins earned a degree in journalism in 2009 from the University of Cincinnati. During his time there he wrote for The News Record and contributed  to the website he created for the UC Association of Black Journalists. He also began freelancing with Cincinnati Magazine. He won a competitive Nathan Cummings Foundation Arts & Culture Journalism Fellowship not long before he graduated in 2009. As one of  two fellows (more than 300 applied), Dobbins wrote for WireTap magazine — a youth-focused online publication about news and culture — until it closed its doors in January 2010.

What’s the connection between the comic books he grew up reading and the news magazines he likes so much now? “They all have something to do with saving the world,” Dobbins says. “I’m still naïve enough to care about that, I guess.”